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영어 표현 - 발표자 소개 / 발표 시작 / 자료 설명

이제 본격적으로 발표가 시작되는 단계입니다.

어떤 부서 / 어떤 사람이 발표하는지 소개해주셔야겠죠?


발표시작을 알리는 멘트도 중요합니다. 이 멘트로 사람들에 이목을 이끌어 주셔야 합니다.

그리고 부족한 자료에 대해서도 설명을 해주시면 됩니다.



상황1 : 발표자 소개

표현1 : Can we hear from ~ about  ~ // ~에게 ~~에 관해서 들어볼까요?


*유사 표현들

I'd like to call on someone to make his presentation.

Someone will take to us about something.




Can we hear from Daniel about the proposed offer for the joint venture?

Can we hear from Kim about how we're going to penetrate European Markets?

Can we hear from Ian about why we're having such delays in production?



상황2 : 발표 시작

표현2 : Why don't I start by ~~ // ~~으로 시작하겠습니다.


*유사 표현들 

explaining = presenting = brefing = going over = quoting

I would like to start by ~

I want to start by ~

Let's start by ~

Why don't we start by~ 



Why don't i start by explanining our current situation.

why don't i start by giving you the rundown on our financial report

why don't i start by clarifying a few things about the on-going negotiations.




상황3 : 자료 설명

표현3 : If you look at ~ you can see that ~  // ~~보면 ~~ 을 알 수 있습니다.



*유사 표현들 

I'd like to draw your attention to ~

Let't look at ~

As we can see ~

We can see in ~

tells us that ~

see = tell = presume = understand




If you look at the pie chart, you can see that we currently account for approcimately 25% of the market.

If you look at the figures, you can see that we need to cut costs.

if you look at our forecasts, you can see that this is the fastest growing sector in our business protfolio.



참고 서적 : 나는 50문장으로 영어회의한다. // 스티브 정 지음